As per Notice of Race 14
14 Nautical charts
The following nautical charts of the Estonian Maritime Administration are utilized as a reference in the Sailing Instructions: 509, 507, 504, 612, 610 and 608.
Racing areas are on the Finnish Gulf and/or on the closer area to harbor the Tallinn Gulf (Estonian chart 507). All charts in the NOR are Estonian sea charts.
Navigation charts and explanations about areas are available on the website:
Or in the shop at the marina:
Or from our partner Alter Marine
All charts are Estonian sea charts.
Please find digitally by ISBN numbers:
608 - ISBN 978-9949-566-03-7
610 - ISBN 978-9949-403-99-8
612 - ISBN 978-9949-403-54-7
Estonian sea-area is divided as follows (Estonian charts):